Human Services / Social Services / Addiction & Recovery Services

Do you have a passion for helping people? Are you interested in motivating people to make positive changes in their lives? In our programs, we teach practical theory-based skills to prepare you for the human services profession.

For more information:


How do I apply for the practicum HUMS 215?

  • All students who are entering HUMS 215 Field Work Practicum must submit any clearances required by the practicum site, such as a Pennsylvania Child Abuse History Clearance, FBI Check, and State Police Criminal Record Check, at the student’s expense, prior to starting the course.
  • HACC will make every effort to allow students to complete their program of study but cannot require facilities to accept students for practicum.
Complete this Intent to Enroll form to start the process of enrolling in Practicum.



  • Please review Chapters 1-4 in the Human Services Field Work Practicum manual. Chapter 3 will be the most useful for students looking for a practicum site. The link is here:'s_Community_College/Human_Services_Field_Work_Practicum_Manual
  • You cannot enroll in the course until the Practicum Coordinator provides you with a registration override. This override is provided to you after you have specific documents submitted into the Brightspace/D2L shell. Access to this shell will be sent to you after you have submitted the Intent to Enroll survey.
  • You must submit a new Intent to Enroll survey even if you have completed one in a past term. This situation would occur if a student has filled out the Intent to Enroll survey and the situation changes and the student decides to delay taking the practicum until a future semester.
  • Please fill out the brief survey and then additional instructions will be sent to you. If your information changes (phone, agency interest, etc.), you may simply email an update to the Practicum Coordinator. However, if the semester you plan to take the practicum changes, you will need to submit a new Intent to Enroll survey as stated above.
  • The deadlines will ensure there will be space for you in the course. The course maximum is 10 students. If there is a need for an additional section of the practicum course based on responses to the survey, we will make every effort to add a section. Students must submit their Intent to Enroll for the Field Work Practicum by April 1 for the summer semester, July 1 for the fall semester, and Nov. 1 for the spring semester.
  • All required documents must be submitted by May 1 for the summer semester, Aug.1 for the fall semester and Dec. 15 for the spring semester.


I plan to take HUMS 215 in this term:

Intent to Enroll survey due

Required documents due

  Spring 2025   Nov. 1, 2024   Dec. 15, 2024
  Summer 2025   April 1, 2025   May 1, 2025

Fall 2025

July 1, 2025

Aug. 1, 2025


For help in choosing a Practicum agency or for any questions, please contact the Practicum Coordinator, Sherrill Goodlive, at or call 717-780-2505.


News & Events

Human Services Program News  (pdf)


Download the following for additional information:

Program Effectiveness Data 2014-19

Spring 2016 Survey Reports

College Data Book



Who can I contact for more information?
Wendy D. Bratina, Ed.D.
Program Director